Character Name Daitsuke
Race Elvaan
Jobs (please list 70+ jobs) Drg Rng Sam Mnk Nin
Sub Jobs everything except smn bst dnc sch >.>
Craft Levels Bonecraft 90 Leather 60 Alchemy 60 Woodworking 60 Cooking 60 Cloth 52 Smithing 10 Gsmithing 2
Main Job (This is for lottin purposes) Rng
Sky Access yes
Sea Access (PM you are on) yes
Dynamis Xarc Access (or Cities you have flagged) missin flag xarcabard
ToAU Mission 44
City & Rank Windurst Rank 10
Previous Linkshells Havent been in any endgame sky sea ls for a while currently doing limbus with social ls on sundays and got a salvage ls for wednesday
Reason for leaving your current LS
Notable Equiptment 4/5 kirin set missin byakko haidate -.- 6/6 drg relic 5/6 Mnk relic
some other unfinish armor set
Playing Time pretty mush everyday from @6-11pm GMT+1
Reason for choosing SpartanS got some friends in here
What your goals are while you are with SpartanS hoping on a stable EU endgame ls for a longtime stay
Personal Background err Dutch and been playing this game for over 2yrs now >.>